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Boards of Canada - Live Helter Skelter France 2002

Boards of Canada - Live Helter Skelter France 2002
po nějaké době jeden pro chvíle oddechu a odpočinku.


  • 01:20 - 05:30 - "1969" (Geogaddi)
  • 05:30 - 09:30 - "Chinook" [Extended] (Aquarius) [WITH CHAT]
  • 09:30 - 13:11 - "M9" (Boc Maxima)
  • 13:11 - 18:45 - "Korona" (Mask100)
  • 18:53 - 21:55 - "Smokes Quantity" (Twoism / MHTRTC)
  • 21:55 - 24:59 - "Soylent Night" [Hell Interface] (Whine & Missingtoe)
  • 24:45 - 29:28 - Colonel Abrams "Trapped" [Hell Interface Remix] (Mask200)
  • 29:25 - 32:46 - "Music Is Math" (Geogaddi) [WITH CHAT]
  • 32:46 - 37:52 - "Turquoise Hexagon Sun" (Hi Scores / MHTRTC)
  • 37:52 - 44:28 - "Chinook" [Extended] (Aquarius)
  • 44:28 - 49:45 - "Sixtyten" (MHTRTC)
  • 49:45 - 54:22 - "Orange Romeda" (WAP100 - We Are Reasonable People)
  • 54:22 - 57:58 - "Music Is Math" (Geogaddi) [WITH CHAT]
  • 57:58 - 65:00 - "XYZ" (Peel Session - not on CD)
  • 64:42 - 69:18 - Midnight Star "Midas Touch" [Hell Interface Remix] (Mask500)
  • 69:18 - 70:22 - "A is to B as B is to C" (Geogaddi)
  • 70:22 - 74:20 - Bubbah's Tum "Dirty Great Mable" [BOC MIX] (Dirty Great Mable) [WITH CHAT]
  • 74:20 - 76:13 - "Music Is Math" (Geogaddi) [WITH CHAT] 76:36 - 82:25 - Michael Fakesch "Surfaise" (Trade Winds Mix by BOC) [PLAYED TOO SLOWLY]
  • 82:15 - 85:43 - Meat Beat Manifesto "Prime Audio Soup" [Vegetarian Soup by BOC] (Prime Audio Soup) [PLAYED TOO SLOWLY]
  • 85:13 - 86:41 - "From One Source All Things Depend" (Geogaddi - Japanese Bonus Track)
  • 86:40 - END - "Poppy Seed" [BOC Remix] (Slag Boom Van Loon - So Soon) [WITH CHAT]

Partnerské linky: festivaly 2016