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Forbidden Society Recordings Metalcast vol.5 feat. Counterstrike

Forbidden Society Recordings Metalcast vol.5 feat. Counterstrike
Counterstrike namichal pro FSRECS v pořadí už pátý Metalcast, jako pozvánku na FSRECS Label Night v klubu Cross 16.9. 2011.


  • 1. Forbidden Society - Cant' Be Soft (Counterstrike remix)
  • 2. Counterstrike & Gein - Anarchy
  • 3. Counterstrike & The Panacea - The Minotaur
  • 4. Counterstrike, SPL & Limewax - Killing Machine VIP
  • 5. Counterstrike - Violent
  • 6. Counterstrike - John Carpenter's Theme
  • 7. Counterstrike & Balkansky - Roboshop
  • 8. Demo - OD (Counterstrike remix)
  • 9. Cooh - Teroma (Counterstrike remix)
  • 10. Counterstrike & Gein - Killer
  • 11. Counterstrike & Syd Vischi - Last Stand

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